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low level signal中文是什么意思

用"low level signal"造句"low level signal"怎么读"low level signal" in a sentence


  • 低电平信号


  • Low level signaling transfer point lstp
  • Sectional specification : magnetic oxide ring cores for interference suppression and low level signal transformer applications
  • Sectional specification : magnetic oxide ring cores for interference suppression and low level signal transformer applications ; german version en 125500 : 1996
  • Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - sectional specification : magnetic oxide ring cores for interference suppression and low level signal transformer applications
  • The linear ccd allows the entire range of individual wavelengths in the spectrum to be detected simultaneously and is especially suitable for resolving low level signals in a noisy environment
  • The basic principles still apply : ground impedance must be as low as possible , high level and low level signals must be separated so that they do not interfere with each other , and capacitance and mutual inductance coupling must be avoided
  • The lna is one of the most important and broad components in microwave communication system receiver , and is used to amplify the low level signal . as the first signal processing block after the antenna , the lna determines the noise figure and input voltage swr and greatly impacts the dynamic range
    低噪声放大器( lna )广泛应用于微波接收系统中,是重要器件之一,主要用来放大低电平信号,由于是自天线下来第一个进行信号处理的器件, lna决定了整个系统的噪声性能和电压驻波比vswr ,并对动态范围有着较大的影响。
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